Grace Filled Food Freedom podcast alternatives to stress eating

2 Alternatives to Stress Eating When You Can’t Change Your Circumstances

It’s the end of another stressful day where it feels like life is spinning out of your control.

Thankfully, one thing never changes: the sweet, sweet taste of your favorite ice cream.

You tell yourself it’s just a little treat to unwind before bed. Well, it started that way. But before long, you’ve given up the bowl and you’re eating it straight from the carton.

May as well, right? So you eat slowly, savoring each creamy bite as you mentally roll through the stresses of your life.

Stress is different for each of us. Those glossy magazine covers tell you to “get rid of stress from your life.” Meanwhile, supposedly helpful memes tout the importance of removing toxic people from your life, or leaving situations that cause you stress. 

But here’s what most of this surface-level, feel-good advice doesn’t address: it isn’t always possible to get rid of the sources of stress in your life. Sometimes you’re stuck in a situation you can’t change.

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Maybe you’re struggling through the role reversal of becoming a caregiver for an aging parent. Maybe you have a child with a medical diagnosis that’s not going away any time soon, if at all. Or maybe you’re dealing with a change in your finances and having a hard time making ends meet.

Of course, you wish you could just walk away from your stressful situation. If only you could snap your fingers and be at peace.

But you can’t. So you turn to food—the faithful companion that never lets you down. 

If you’re in a situation you can’t change and you’re struggling with stress eating, there’s hope.

You may not be able to change what’s happening in your life right now. But you can change how you respond by using alternatives to stress eating that help you find peace in your circumstances.

In “2 Alternatives to Stress Eating” we discuss:

  • Finding ways to care for yourself that don’t involve food.
  • Improving your responses by changing what you eat.
  • Changing your mindset to allow God to work in you.

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  1. I didn’t see the actual article! Hated all the adds! What are the 2 alternatives to stress eating anyway?!

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