A Powerful Conversation about Your Journey to Food Freedom
When we talk about the journey to food freedom, what does that mean? After all, if we could set ourselves free from the bondage of food addiction, binge eating, and all-or-nothing diets, we would certainly do it.
And your struggle with food may seem like a little thing but it can be a big deal. Either way, it belongs in God’s hands.
As a child of God, you’re already free from bondage.
We know that our old self was crucified with him in order that the body of sin might be brought to nothing, so that we would no longer be enslaved to sin
(Romans 6:6 ESV)
The Holy Spirit has the power to set you free from the guilt and shame that comes from overeating. He’s standing by, waiting for you to reach out and claim His strength.
But that’s just the beginning!
Food freedom is a journey. And it’s not always an easy one. It requires continually giving your wants and desires to Christ, seeking His will, and walking in it.
The best part is, He’s there with you all the way!
In this 100th episode of Grace Filled Food Freedom, I’m having a conversation with my husband, Doug Lardner. We’re talking about who we are in Christ, and how that sets us free—not only from food but from all sorts of sin and addiction.
Part of this journey to food freedom involves community and reaching out to others for encouragement. I hope that’s what this episode will offer to you!
In “A Powerful Conversation about Your Journey to Food Freedom” we discuss:
- The foundation of your freedom from sin and shame.
- A simple tip for renewing your mind for food freedom.
- Forgiving yourself for past mistakes.
Links mentioned:
- Get your Overcoming Weight Loss Idols
- For a deep dive, check out Grace Filled Plate Platinum and be sure to get on the waiting list
You may also love:
- Who HE Is [A Chew the Word Study]
- Season 1 Episode 1: From Food Struggle to Food Freedom
- Season 2 Episode 18: Does Finding Food Freedom Mean I’ll Gain Weight?
- Season 3 Episode 4: How to Get through a Food Craving
- Get your FREE Faith [is greater than] Food Jumpstart
Listen and +follow on iTunes, Stitcher, or Spotify.
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