Grace Filled Food Freedom podcast how to stay mindful of god in your eating

How to Stay Mindful of God in Your Eating

Mindfulness is one of the buzzwords of our day. Everywhere you look, you find reminders to be intentional and mindful about everything you do.

It’s a great message. We should practice mindfulness and make the most of our time. 

The thing is, when you’re living a grace-filled life, you don’t want your mind to be focused only on yourself. You want to also be mindful of God–including in your eating. 

Truthfully, this sounds great! But it’s not that easy.

You might start the day with the best of intentions. Maybe you spend some time reading your Bible or praying before everyone else is up. Maybe you ask the Lord to give you self-control throughout the coming day, and you’re determined to make each food choice intentionally.  

But as the day goes on, you start to lose focus. Countless things demand your attention and God slips to the back of your mind.

Before you know it, you’re well into the afternoon, and you find yourself in front of the vending machine pressing D4 for a bag of chips.

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Or maybe you hold out a little longer, and it’s bedtime when you cave.

After a stress-filled day, you tuck your kids in bed and head for the freezer for the last mouthful of mint chocolate chip you noticed earlier.

Why oh why does it feel like you can’t stay mindful of God in your eating and practice self-control all day?

What chips away at your willpower the ticking of the clock?

It may not feel like it, but you can be mindful of God in your eating all day. It involves making a plan to intentionally put the Lord in every part of your day.

With visual reminders, you can know He’s never far away. So you can turn to Him for self-control and strength in all decisions–even your food choices.

In “How to Stay Mindful of God in Your Eating” we discuss:

  •   How to weave time with God into your daily routine.
  •   Simple changes to make that will keep God in the front of your mind.
  •  How to practice self-care and gratitude during meals.

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