Grace Filled Food Freedom podcast when people irritate you into overeating

What to Do When People Irritate You into Overeating

If you hear the words “irritating person,” someone probably instantly jumps into your mind. 

Maybe even more than one person.

God created each of us with different and unique personalities. This makes for a beautiful and wonderful world. After all, life would be pretty boring if everyone was the same.

But the reality of so many different people is this: not every person gets along well with every other person. 

All of us have people who just rub us the wrong way.

It may be the coworker who never stops talking, the person on the treadmill next to you at the gym, or even the cashier at the grocery store you visit once a week.

Sometimes the trouble may hit closer to home and you find yourself irritated by your husband, kids, or other family members.

Of course, no one does everything the same way. But nothing is quite as annoying as living with someone who doesn’t see or do things the way you do. Am I right?

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The bad news is, being irritated or annoyed can sometimes lead to overeating. 

Stress causes you to overeat, and nothing stresses you out as fast as dealing with irritating people!

If you’ve ever found yourself standing in front of the vending machine after a work meeting or raiding the pantry after hanging up the phone with Aunt Sally, you know it’s real. 

People really can irritate you into overeating!

But here’s the good news! You can use a few simple tips to step away from the food when people irritate you into overeating. With a little prep, you’ll find doing it is easier than you think.

In “What to Do When People Irritate You into Overeating” we discuss:

  • A simple mindset shift that can help you not be irritated by other people
  • How to stop worrying about things beyond your control
  • Using gratitude and contentment to overcome overeating

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