Jump to this episode’s show notes now.
What is a Biblical diet? Is it eating manna like the Israelites or fish and bread like Jesus? OR, is it about the heart? In this post, you will learn how to apply the truths of the new covenant to how you eat. It will transform how you see diets!
As I cracked open the crisp, new pages of that diet book, I felt a surge of excitement fill my chest. Immediately, I flipped back to the approved food list. Anxious to see what I “could” and “couldn’t” eat–that excitement dropped 18 inches to my stomach where it landed like a rock.
“All of the food I can’t eat…”
If you come from a dieting past like I do, the idea of “having” to discipline your food choices may be old news. But, no matter how many plans you try or books you buy, the idea of restriction still makes you want to eat ALL. the. food.
If you can relate, this post is for you.
Over the years I have come to see diets for what they really are. Whether you package the plan as “clean eating” or a Biblical eating plan, it’s all the same– Even a Bible Diet food list can become our “law” and the law cannot change our hearts. Only God, in His grace, can.
I believe that your eyes will be opened to why you still continue to struggle with food and overcoming overeating, even though you are trying hard to do better.
What Does the Old Testament Say About Diets?
If you are unfamiliar with the Bible, there are a few points I would like to familiarize you with for the purpose of this post.
The Bible is broken into two parts: the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old Testament is what would be referred to as The Law. It includes the Ten Commandments and the rules and rituals that Jewish traditions are built upon. These events occurred before Christ was born.
The New Testament documents the birth, life, and death of Christ, and the spread of Christianity that followed.
When Christ came, it is said that he “fulfilled” the law. This means that he lived a perfect life. He abided by all of the Old Testament laws, but then was killed without reason. Because of this unjust death and His resurrection, those laws were no longer the way in which we found favor in God’s eyes. Now it is found through Christ.
So, those who believe IN Christ and live FOR Him and because of Him are no longer obligated to meet the standards of all those Old Testament laws. BUT, we choose to live in such a way that pleases Him BECAUSE of the perfect life He lived on our behalf.
We find ourselves doing the very things that we “should” do, not because we “have” to, but because we want to. Before our actions were external– Like the kid who cleans his room just so that he can go out and play. He’s doing it but he’s not happy about it.
Now, we let thankfulness and love move our hands and feet toward godly action.
What Does This Have to Do With a Biblical Diet?
I equate The Law to a diet.
When we feel like we “have” to eat this food or we “can’t” eat that food, our sheer willpower can only take us so far. We may be able to follow those rules for a while, but just like the kid who cleaned his room out of obligation- when he went away to college, he chose to live in utter filth.
The change of scenery revealed that his heart was never all-in. This is why you may try a variety of diets and fail repeatedly.
You are trying to clean up the outside without addressing the heart.
What then shall we say? That the law is sin? By no means! Yet if it had not been for the law, I would not have known sin. For I would not have known what it is to covet if the law had not said, “You shall not covet.”
Romans 7:7 (ESV)
Diets do not “fix” our tendencies to eat outside of hunger or to eat to satisfy our craving or emotions, but they do reveal them. Even a “Bible diet.”
Is a Bible Diet Plan the Answer?
In this case, diets are not all bad and there is no bad food. For example, if we are unable to stick with a healthy eating plan, then it’s a decent clue that there are some deeper challenges living beneath the surface.
Because of this, we can see our unsuccessful attempts, not as personal failures, but as indicators that we are trying to solve the wrong problem.
Such was the transition from the Old Testament law to the New Testament message of grace. The Law simply points out what we cannot do on our own (keep those laws) and directs us to only that which can-God’s grace.
Even prior to the law coming on the scene after Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden, we see God putting “law” into practice. This is because we have free will for a purpose; our choices reveal our hearts.
How to Make Choices When You’re On a Healthy Eating Plan
Freedom of choice is an important concept to grasp here.
In life, it can feel as though we outsource our ability to choose. We moan that we “have” to go to work, whine that we “must” stop at every pointless stop sign, and grumble that we “should” eat more vegetables.
But, if we take a step back, we can actually see that we have a TON of choice in the matter. We can choose not to go to work, not to stop at the sign, and eat only french fries for vegetables.
We are free to make any choice but we also choose the consequences that follow-getting fired, getting a ticket, and having poor health.
I want to encourage you to embrace the freedom of choice in your food journey. If you decide to follow a particular diet plan (even a Biblical diet plan), do so with the full realization that YOU are the one who made the choice to start.
No one can make you eat food you don’t want to eat and no one can keep you from eating the foods you desire.
We live in a world that provides us with 24/7 access to all types of food, all the time, and you can make the choice to eat it–whenever you want. You have keys and money– No one is stopping you.
Make It Your Food Choice
“Choice” was not an idea that I used to embrace. I felt trapped by diets and rules about what I “could” and “couldn’t” eat. This backfired on me, big time.
I can recall a specific time that I was tempted to binge on a McDonald’s McFlurry. Now, if I wanted a planned sweet treat in a controlled and moderate way, that would have been a different story, but here I wanted ALL the McFlurries.
As I drove down the road I passed one McDonald’s after another, each time holding on to the steering wheel as if it were the last life preserver on a sinking ship. Do you realize how many golden arches there are along a 10-mile drive in Pinellas County? It’s a lot.
Finally, I gave myself complete and total permission to stop at the next Mickey D’s. Clearly, this white-knuckling thing wasn’t going very well, so how about a different strategy?
I told myself that it was 100% ok to stop. No one will keep me from eating McFlurries. Not today, tomorrow, or next month.
I even used a therapy technique called amplified reflection, assuring myself that I could not only eat a McFlurry today, but I could eat 10. Then I could do the same tomorrow and the day after that. I ALWAYS have the choice to overeat, to eat low-nutrition foods, to binge, etc.
Amplified reflection: A strategy that is to reflect the client’s statement in an exaggerated form—to state it in a more extreme way but without sarcasm. This can move the client toward positive change rather than resistance.
Connect With Your True Cravings
You see, when we step away from allowing a diet to be our dictator, we can connect with what we truly want. I didn’t want a McFlurry, I just wanted the freedom to eat whatever I wanted.
You and I, we have that kind of freedom every. single. day.
“All things are lawful,” but not all things are helpful. “All things are lawful,” but not all things build up.
i Corinthians 10:23 (ESV)
I completely understand that the thought of total freedom can be (really!) scary, and I believe that is why many of us seek “protection” in a diet. A diet can feel like a safe place to reel in our ravenous souls. We don’t trust ourselves around food.
I get it. If you are anything like me, you’ve broken that trust many times. But there is one missing link, the link that empowers us to say “no” to unhealthy choices and “yes” to living a godly life. That link to Biblical health is LOVE.
How Love Compels Our Biblical Diet
If you were as consistent with your nutrition and exercise as you were with caring for your loved ones, do you think you’d have reached your goals by now?
While people are much more valuable than blueberries and biceps, when love is involved in tough tasks, they get easier.
We love because he first loved us.
i John 4:19 (ESV)
What if you made food choices out of love? “Love of what?”, you ask. Our love for God is the first thought that comes to mind. That love is a powerful motivator…
I bet you’d agree that there are so, so many reasons to be thankful to God, and the stewardship of our bodies is one way we can express that gratitude.
He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things?
romans 8:32 (ESV)
But, wait, there’s more! LOVE casts a W-I-D-E net.
Healthy Food Choices Made With Biblical Love
If our food choices are made through the lens of love, we can expect to make some pretty awesome decisions.
Biblical Love of:
- Our well-being. Taking care of yourself does not have to be self-centered. There is a big difference between stressing over 1% body fat and wanting to be energetic, healthy, strong, and able to accomplish the hopes and dreams God has laid upon your heart.
- Our bodies. God calls our bodies His temple. Are we treating our bodies like something of value? Things we love and value, we put forth the extra effort to care for them properly.
- Our families. Are you more loving when you feel well? Yeah, me too. Your family wants you to feel well, trust me!
- Our friends. We can be better friends when we have the energy to invest in friendships.
- Our calling. Wherever you feel called in your life, for the love of that calling, fuel yourself well, get strong, do the hard things.
Do you see what happens when we let go of other people’s rules about what our food choices “should” look like?
When we set aside the “should” and connect with our “why” for making the food choices we want to (truly, deep in our heart want to), we will find the balance and health we crave.
Outside rules stay outside, while inside motivations change hearts and lives.
The Road to Truly Eating Biblically
What does the Bible say about food we should not eat?
If you have done your share of diets, it’s quite likely that you are plagued with outside-in, rules-based eating baggage. Diets tell us what to do but they don’t address our hearts.
Just as the Bible is filled with grace, so are our food choices. It’s the ultimate Biblical diet plan!
You and I have the room to make decisions based on our wants, but diets have disconnected us from why we started them in the first place.
By embracing our freedom of choice and connecting with our loving motivations, we can make healthy changes that stick and stick with habits that change–our hearts. Are you on this journey with me?
Take-Home Points
- Diets don’t address the heart and that’s why they so often fail.
- Freedom of choice is a powerful concept to grasp if you are struggling to stick with a healthy eating plan.
What To Do
You are starting to see why diets don’t work and you’re unsettled…you want MORE for your life than a one-size-fits-all-food plan that makes you feel like a failure. So, what’s next?
Here are 3 steps to get you started:
- Pay attention to your self-talk around what and how you eat. Do you hear the words “can’t”, “should”, “have to” around your food choices? If you notice these unhelpful thought patterns, start by reminding yourself about the freedom of choice.
- Renew your mind to your new truths. Check out Chew the Word, a 30-day Printable Scripture Study that will immerse your health and fitness goals with the Word of God.
- Practice, fall, get up, repeat. You won’t undo years or even decades of dieting drama overnight. So, give yourself plenty of grace as you try, mess up, and try again. This is the absolute BEST you can do.
Podcast episode show notes
You may be surprised by what the Bible has to say about diets. And we’re not talking about what you aren’t allowed to eat or how to prepare your food the right way.
Today, we’re relating diets and dieting to Old Testament law and New Testament grace. One is all about outward appearance, while the other is all about your heart.
But how do you walk in freedom and grace in the way that you eat? How do you escape the prison of always trying to make up for your failures? And how do you walk in the light of Christ’s righteousness and grace with your eating?
Let’s dig in and find out.
Links mentioned:
- Overcoming Weight Loss Idols
- For a deep dive, check out Grace Filled Plate Platinum and be sure to get on the waiting list
You may also love:
- Get your FREE Faith [is greater than] Food Email Course
Rather watch? Catch the video on YouTube.
Brandice Lardner is a Certified Personal Trainer, Nutrition Coach, Amazon #1 Best Selling Author, Homeschool Mom, and Jesus Girl whose mission in life is to help women ditch the diet mentality and find peace with food and their bodies so that they are better equipped to do the great things God has called them to do.
Diane says
I have never looked at eating quite this way, but you are absolutely correct in saying it is a choice. Quite the eye opener!
Brandice says
Hi Diane! I am glad this post resonated with you. It was hard news for me to learn about my choice in the matter but, boy was it a game-changer 🙂
Rebecca says
Your website is LITERALLY an answer to prayer!
Thank you so much for what you do!
Excited to “read it all at warp speed”, but taking it slow on purpose.
God bless you!
Brandice says
Hi Rebecca! I’m so glad you’re finding these content helpful. Please reach out if I can support you in any way!
Amy says
I need help. I get up usually early between 12 a.m. and 2 a.m. and eat what sounds good. It most generally has nothing to do with being hungry. I Need and Want help! Thank you,
Amy C
Brandice says
Hi Amy, Does any of this apply to you? https://gracefilledplate.com/stop-overeating-night/
Cheri mello says
G-d gives us free will of All things!! Wouldn’t Overeating be Lack Of SELF CONTROL? JESUS tells us to grow in fruit of the spirits And is THAT not one of them? THANK You for sharing Your insight! I DID USED to be a “nervous eater” And Lost 50 Lbs Through Exercise AND GOOD EATING ????♥️
PRAISE G♥️D!!! I JUST WANT to be healthy And be able to enjoy my Grandkids. Since Diabetes and heart run on BOTH sides. G-d Bless ♥️
Brandice says
Hi Cheri! Thank you for sharing all that God has done in your life! It sounds like you (and He!) have made some incredible changes. It is so important to be healthy to “run the race” or after those grandkids 🙂
Jen says
All I can say is THANK YOU SO MUCH! Wow, I have struggled just like everyone else, what I just read just put everything into perspective. This is the first time that I’ve read or followed something that just clicked. Blessings!!!!
Brandice says
Hi Jen! I love it when the Holy Spirit births His (your) truth in your heart. It’s a lot to chew on but this truth can bring FREEDOM!
Erika says
This is such a powerful message and one that I so needed to hear today.
We have freedom, bu not all things are good for us. So powerful!
Thank you, dear sister, for this eye opening wisdom and Biblical Truth!
Brandice says
Hi Erika! I am glad this resonated with you 🙂 We are free to be disciplined!
Ruth says
Brandice says
You’re welcome, Ruth! I hope you found it helpful 🙂
Roberta J Harants says
Well I used to be much closer with the Lord and wow he used your article to get my attention. Prior to reading your article I read research from Loren Cordain and other doctors about nutrition and when I realized they were all confused, I quickly realized their confusion is why most people stand confused as to even the appropriate nutritional choices. And my heart just rained…. Go to God he is always right. Then your article. As a born again Christian I KNOW that God always works from the inside out. Why would NUTRITION be any different. Great article and I don’t think you will come to realize how the Lord will use just one tiny ariticle on this vast internet… Thanks 🙂
Brandice says
Hi Roberta! I’m glad the Lord brought you here! It’s good to learn about good nutrition but best to keep first things first. It sounds like God is calling you back to a deeper place with Him <3
Tammy says
Thank you for this article!!!! I rarely comment on anything on the web but, have to say this helped me tremendously— I have been in a cycle of obsessing over food and my appearance- begging the Lord to help me overcome sugar addiction—- as a Christian somehow I did not apply His beautiful, loving grace to that area of my life— I allowed self-loathing to creep in when I made “another bad choice” , felt trapped and ashamed if I “messed up”, and victorious if I managed to stay on track- at some point in the last year- I just gave up trying! It was too confusing keeping up with all the rules anyway – this has lead to overindulgence and a body that seems to have aged (pain and less flexibility) and I somehow allowed it to affect my intimacy with my wonderful husband — How much better is it to know that my body is His temple— oh my He lives in me! If He lived in our actual home how tidy would we keep it!- just because we live Him?! He has given me the free will to choose any and all things— and I want to choose what is the most loving path— thank you so much for gently pointing out that His love and grace even covers this part of our lives- no more bondage for me!!! PRAISE JESUS!
Brandice says
Hi Tammy! I’m so glad you posted! It sounds like God is doing a work in your heart and that more grace and peace are coming your way. Keep in touch!
John Baldwin says
Hello, I enjoyed reading this blog. I listen to several podcasts on nutrition, diet, exercise, etc. My wife and I are always trying to eat clean – – “Paleo” There is just so much contradicting info out there about what to eat, it’s exhausting. I started asking “ What does God want us to eat” and found your blog.
Brandice says
I love that you and your wife are making healthy changes together and I can totally relate to your overwhelm from all the contradictory info. One thing to keep in mind is that most healthy eating plans agree on a lot– eat mostly whole, unprocessed foods. If you can make that the main thing, you’ll probably be in great health. And, part of health is making room for those foods that may not be all that good for the body but they sure are good for the mind 🙂 Drop a line anytime you have questions!
Carter says
This is exactly what God and I have been “talking about” in this season of my life: making choices out of love or fear. I liken your ideas to food, but I can also relate these concepts to a WIDE variety of things in life. Thank you publishing this so that God could reveal it to me when my heart was ready for His lovely truth. I’m definitely going to start viewing life through these lenses with my athletes, friends, and family. Thank you!
Brandice says
You are so welcome, Carter! I’d love to hear an update from you, as God reveals more to your heart.
Elizabeth says
God bless you Brandice.
I was also just browsing through the website and saw your article. I started to read
While i was reading it brought an inspiration upon me to see that i have to love myself before i could accomplish what it is i would want the Lord to change in me.
It’s about obedience first.
I cried like a baby reading all the other brothers and sisters going through the same battle as me. This was a blessing Thank you.
Brandice says
I love how God spoke to you through this post, Elizabeth! The way you tied in obedience WITH appreciating what God has blessed us with is pretty amazing. I see a future blog post 🙂
Uboots says
I like what it being said here, you’re basically saying, in one sense, to take ownership of your bad eating choices and desires, rather than being ‘victim’ or ‘failure’, the inner conversation is more like, “Oh you want a McFlurry, you want TEN? Go for it… it’s not wise, could make me pick up weight or feel sick, but if you’re gonna do that to me, okay, just take responsibility for it… you’re the one doing this to me, you’re not failing, you’re deliberately, sober-mindedly, choosing to do this.” A lot of people see self sabotage eating habits as something that’s happening to them (me, for one!), when we need to realise that if we don’t feel that we have the freedom within ourselves to do no when it’s no and do yes when it’s yes, we need deliverance – Romans 7:24. Jesus came to give us freedom from sin, that is, POWER and authority over our flesh. If we have that, we should use it. If we don’t, we need deliverance, like Paul says.
Brandice says
Yes, responsibility! Ownership plays a huge role and freeing up the space to see that we need to own our choices, gives us some room to make better ones.
Also, the “law” of “You can’t have a McFlurry” stirs up sin. Ever noticed that? But the freedom to have it lets the spirit speak to our hearts–our born-again spirit does not want to walk in sin and, as you said, it shows our need for Him.
Romans 7:7-8 What shall we say, then? Is the law sin? Certainly not! Indeed I would not have known what sin was except through the law. For I would not have known what coveting really was if the law had not said, “Do not covet.”But sin, seizing the opportunity afforded by the commandment, produced in me every kind of covetous desire. For apart from law, sin is dead“
Beth Alford says
I am finding your videos so helpful! Thank you!!
Brandice says
That’s great to hear, Beth! Glad you’re here!
Thank you for that. Your video really helped me.
Brandice says
Yay! So happy to hear that!
laycistercians says
Thank you very much for sharing this. This is what I’m looking for. God bless us all!
Brandice says
You’re welcome!
Patricia says
I just found this page!! Oh Lord I need help! I have never reach a goal and continue to eat whatever. I have no will power over food. I pray God will help me in my new effort to lost this unhealthy weight.
Brandice says
Glad you’re here, Patricia! I hope you find it helpful!
Ada Obiegbu says
Thank you for helping me understand that it takes God’s grace to eat right
Brandice says
You’re welcome, Ada!
Patricia says
Lesson learned from my 14 month old son many many years ago. We were invited to a New Year’s Eve dinner party. As we were dressing, the babysitter cancelled. I called the hosts to cancel and they said to bring him. So we did. Everything went well. Then the adults were ready for dessert and my little guy wasn’t finished. I told her to bring his dessert but leave his dinner plate. He finished his meal alternating between the two plates. One of the guests was a pediatrician and he said he had heard of but never seen anything like it. I have him the choice. Not “if you want dessert, finish your dinner, but here is another thing you can eat.”. He grew up into a boy and man who eats half a cookie and a handful of potato chips.
By the way this same approach did not work on my second son who eats whatever is in sight! But, it did work on my two nieces. So a grade of 75.
Brandice says
That’s awesome, Patricia! You didn’t realize it, but you were following the advice of top child nutritionist Ellyn Satter! She calls it the Division of Repsonsiblity. So neat to see it in action!
Patricia Kilbourn says
Thanks. I hope it helps some Moms out there. There are so many people who know so little about how to develop a child’s eating habits. I was at a dinner one time with a large group that included several children. My boys were eating a wide variety of vegetables on offer; the woman sitting next to me said she wished her boys would eat vegetables. The only way they would eat them was raw! She was amazed when I told her that raw was better than cooked!.
Lisa Williams says
Thanks you for the blog. I like many others have been stuck. In the dieting cycles for a long a we can remember. 2020 has not been a good year for my husband and I. I decided to reset my life and spend more time in pray with God. He and I are so close now. He is truly My Savior. My addiction with food has been so bad I took it to God. Today I cannot eat anything with wheat or sugar without getting a rash or itching. I feel so much better and am more active. Praise to the Lord.
Brandice says
Welcome, Lisa. I’m glad to hear that you’ve allowed God to use this time in your life. So often things get worse before they get better as the “threat” of taking away certain foods makes us go a little crazy on them. Anxiety around food is no fun and I believe that He will lead you into a peaceful relationship with the blessing that is food. Praying for you now!
Jennie says
Stumbled across this just looking for Christian advice for losing weight. As many of us, I have failed every diet there is. I have felt the pressure even more after I gained 70 lbs with my daughter. I realized before I need to start tackling losing weight, I need to look at why I fail. For starters, God was not my first priority in my physical health or mental. I am an emotional eater and as well as when I am in pain I will eat. This helped me to realize the center of this is God and his grace. Any time I feel an indulgence that it’s okay, but instead give it to God. I will not let this get me down and going to use God’s strength through it all. I appreciate your words and hope it continues to help others. God Bless You!
Brandice says
I have goosebumps reading this, Jennie! Praise God for bringing you here and giving you a sneak peek into His plans for your health and weight loss!
Mila Vasilchenko says
I must say, it’s been a long time since I read something sooo good. What a way to connect Scripture to us, our daily habits and lives. I was most inspired and encouraged by this post, thank you. It is full of Gods wisdom, and grace. For someone who strives to live this way, and yet I was still left to think about the depth behind it all. God be with you, thank you! Saved, to share with people I love.
Brandice says
So glad you found it helpful, Mila!
NoOneSixx says
Jesus said that He did not come here to abolish the law, but to fulfill it. God NEVER “changed his mind” on Leviticus clean and unclean food, nor did Jesus abolish that law, and since the Old Testament is part of the Bible for brothers in Christ, they still stand, correct? Jesus followed the law of His Father which means He followed God’s dietary plan.
That means, while we still have “freedom” of choice, we are also commanded to “test the spirits” and always seek God for help overcoming those temptations. Jesus was tempted by none other than the adversary created by God for that very reason. To test us while always giving us a way to defeat the adversary- call upon the Lord!
I am curious as to why, driving by those McFlurry places that you did not understand that you were being tempted!
“I even used a therapy technique called amplified reflection, assuring myself that I could not only eat a McFlurry today, but I could eat 10. Then I could do the same tomorrow and the day after that. I ALWAYS have the choice to overeat, to eat low-nutrition foods, to binge, etc.”
I am not attacking you nor am I perfect, but I do know Jesus and the Lord, and know that His Word says, “ But if you remain in me and my words remain in you, you may ask for anything you want, and it will be granted!”
Your article does not appear to show that you asked for God’s help in making the temptation by the adversary pass. Which happens to be EXACTLY what God commands us to do. It appears as though you seek relief in a world that is under the influence of the adversary. “
“Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don’t believe. They are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News. They don’t understand this message about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God.“ 2 Corinthians 4:4.
We are told to pick up our cross and follow Him.
You wrote;
“Denying your temptation by embracing our freedom of choice and connecting with our loving motivations, we can make healthy changes that stick and stick with habits that change– our hearts. Are you on this journey with me?“
Habit no longer can save a soul as much as it can create one. There is only ONE Lord that will open or harden our hearts according to His will and plan for us. Denying our temptations by embracing any thing other than God will fail and by doing those things we reject God’s power and mercy.
Matthew 6:6 “ “But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.”
Again, I am not perfect as I was born with a wicked heart and I often stumble. The path is narrow and I pray to God to keep me on that path. He is the only one who can. I welcome God’s challenges for two reasons. First if I succeed in resisting I will praise the Lord. Secondly, when I fail I also praise God because He cares enough to test me which is a blessing since I am a sinner and God is giving me an opportunity to repent the way He told told us to….
Brandice says
Hey there! I TOTALLY get what you are saying. However, I tried that for YEARS. I’m not saying that God didn’t do His part, He ALWAYS does. BUT, my diet-drenched mind needed this perspective. Thanks for your concern!
NoOneSixx says
Thank you for the reply. I am happy to believe that you did not consider my response as hostile. I was a Marine and I still communicate like one. No fluff in a statement. Some get easily offended. Again, thank you for this dialog.
Warm fuzzy done. Cold prickly up next. 😜
No, your “diet drenched mind” needed to be refocused on God’s plan for YOU. Not what you believe via your “Diet drenched mind” (satan) was tempting you with. Which means you need to pray to the Lord and ask Him to remove that seed of doubt planted by the adversary. I write that to avoid saying, vanity. Or pride. I still cannot understand why, if you made such a commitment to reject McFlurries, that you did not recognize your temptations while driving past those unhealthy, body destroying places as just that. A TEMPTATION. From satan. I still cannot understand why your first thought/prayer was NOT to God for relief.
Here is where I am coming from. I married a woman who was in AA for 20 plus years. That means, I was in the front row to witness that program practiced in a liberal/socialist/democrat/God rejecting state.
The program centers around establishing a relationship with God, asking forgiveness for the past while keeping your relationship with Him going forward. The liberal state ignored the big book and went secular, insisting that “your truth” is the real truth and it is completely acceptable to put yourself first while bastardizing the 12 steps to remove the establishment of a personal relationship with God that the book TEACHES.
Reading your post, I can say with the power of the Truth, that your writing was exactly the same and sadly, you portend to be a “follower” while not practicing follower ship.
“If” you follow Christ, you know there is only one narrow path which separates the wheat from the chaff. To champion false ways, will condemn your soul for leading others astray.
“If” you are a biblical follower of Christ, you will know the passages that say EXACTLY that.
As a guest, AA slowly marked me as “radical” for standing up for God. Get the Big Book and read it. It is not limited to Alcohol abuse and it is a very good source to help the lost find God. By forcing YOU to look at YOUR actions and how YOU impact others.
In fairness, I deal with my own demons. When I believe that I am being led astray, I ALWAYS ask Jesus to help me in the name of God. He ALWAYS sets my heart at ease.
Food. Drugs. Alcohol. Sex. Lying. Stealing. Cheating. Deception. These are (and more) are temptations of the adversary.
There is only ONE RELIEF.
Faith and Trust in God.
Every thing else is in this world. Believers are not of this world.
Patricia says
Well said, my friend!
Brandice says
Thanks, Patricia!
Patricia says
I agree completely! I just finished watching a sermon on the seven deadly sins… one of which is gluttony! Living to eat instead of eating to live…I was surely a testament to that! But my body belongs to the Lord and everything I do must be to the glory of God, and I have been convicted IN MY HEART that I must eat healthier so I can be of service to Him. Your writing has reaffirmed this for me!
Brandice says
Love the conviction vs condemnation…it’s the Holy Spirit saying, “Let’s do this together, kiddo!” 🙂
Bobbi says
John 14:15 “If you love me, keep my commandments”…some people believe that the all those old laws as you put it, include the 10 Commandments. They do not. The old laws were referring to ceremonial laws but not the Law of God which is the 10 Commandments. Just as eating to glorify God shows our love and honor to Him so does the following of ALL 10 Commandments.
Beautifully written article but I have know too many people who have made the blanket statement, if you will, of commenting on ‘those old laws of the Old Testament’ not even realizing that those they were speaking to thought it included the 10 Commandments. Could it be God knew this could happen and therefore made it possible for it to be mentioned in the New Testament?
Brandice says
Food for thought, Bobbi 🙂
Amy-Beth says
OMGOSH!!!! That was amazing.. Really… Thank You sooooo much. That answered so much for me. I was writing so many points that made sence to me. No one has ever explained so much to me about diets and eating before. I have a long way to go but this helps ALOT.
Thank YOu…
Brandice says
Praise God, Amy! I’m so happy to hear that the LORD is speaking to you though this post 🙂
Rachel says
I am a follower of Jesus. I hope you are not thinking the Old Testament laws are ‘done away’. Jesus said heaven and earth will pass away before one jot or tiddle will pass from *either* the law or the prophets. Isaiah (chapter 66 I believe) also tells us pretty plainly that when Jesus comes in flaming fire (the second coming) that those believers who are eating swines flesh, rats and the abomination (things without fins and scales that are in the water, camels, rabbits, etc.) will be *destroyed*. Jesus really meant it when He said *nothing* would pass from either the law or the prophets until after heaven and earth pass. We read that the first heaven and earth will pass away but not until *after* the millennium. Even the prophet Ezekiel tells us the sacrifices will be taking place again in the millennium which I know many Christians do not even realize. We all need to be very careful how we read God’s word and who we are listening to (God or man). Scripture also tells us that God’s laws are ‘forever’ (Psalms 119 is just one place where we read this). God bless you in Jesus and in your health journey.
Brandice says
Thank you for sharing your thoughts (so lovingly!), Rachel. I agree with you about the value of the old Testament. The purpose of this post is to relate diets to the law, which Christ fulfilled, so we can walk in His grace. I hope you stick around ❤️